Maxime Woringer
« L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux, répéta le petit prince, afin de se souvenir. »
[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince, 1943]
I am a student in biology at the École normale supérieure, Paris (France). I am mainly interested in the interface between biology, computer science and physics. I believe that sharing is an essential basis of science, especially in biology where a large range of disciplins have to combine and interact to improve our understanding of life.
Curriculum Vitæ
The code I write is free/libre software. It can be accessed upon request. Some of my projects can be accessed through GitLab.
- Rpalm3d (temporary name, 2014), a tool to analyze PALM/STORM datasets using 3D spatial point patterns. (Work in progress)
- CellTracking (2012-2013), a software to track and analyse cells in fluorescence time-lapse videomicroscopy.
- AntsTracking (2011-), a set of scripts implementing algorithms to track ants in noisy video recordings. It was used to determine statistics on the foraging ants strategies out of the nest. Students in Montpellier also used it to address other questions on ants movement in 2012. Another group used it in 2013. Last update on march, 2014.
Biology and biophysics
- Compressed sensing imaging: towards low-phototoxicity and high-speed microscopy (Master 2 thesis, supervised by Mustafa Mir, Christophe Zimmer lab and Darzacq-Tjian lab, 2016). Preliminary implementation of a compressed sensing mode for 3D fluorescence microscopy.
- Superresolution insights into c-Myc intranuclear localization (Master report, supervised by Lana Bosanac, Robert Tjian Lab, Berkeley, 2014). Preliminary analysis on c-Myc spatial organization using superresolution microscopy.
- Rapport de stage (L3, 2013) on 3d PALM/STORM microscopy and analysis at
the Functional Imaging of Transcription, IBENS, Paris
(in French, supervised by Vincent Récamier, Ignacio Izeddin and Xavier
Darzacq): Corrélation spatiale de la chromatine et de la machinerie transcriptionnelle à l’échelle de la molécule unique.
Supplementary materials,
Slides for the oral presentation.
Datasets and sample analysis in R.
- 2014: Geometry of the nucleus: a perspective on gene expression regulation (link, open access, with Xavier Darzacq and Ignacio Izeddin, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology)
Community involvement
maxime(at)woringer(point)fr (PGP)