Function called to delete the cell
Function exports the cell as a tiff series
Think about managing the number of channels
Function exports the cell as a tiff series WARNING: This function returns an iterator, each call to the .next() function will return an image that will be saved. Think about managing the number of channels
This function returns two integers
Function that initialize a reference at a given distance of the polygon
Tests if the point lies within a given distance of a handle (an edge, and maybe a center
Internal function returning the selected edge of the polygon (if any), the center or None This function was coded with my feet, it is a total mess
A generic class for handling cell creation (get polygon as successive clicks)
Receives signals from the “Set begin frame” and “Set end frame” buttons and forward them to : 1. The slider 2. The cell object
Function that receive a click from the viewer. This function returns True if the click lies inside the cell (core or reference polygon) In theory, the coordinates already have been converted
Draw the polygon on the image :param im: the image to draw on. :param type: a numpy matrix (x*y*3) :returns: numpy matrix – the output image
Return the panel to manage a cell rb is the radiobutton instance determining which cell is selected
Function that initialize an empty cell .. warning : You should immediately add a polygon to the cell as it doesn’t like empty timetracks much...
Function called when the value of the spinbutton “Set reference size” is changed
Binding called when clicking on the “Export as TIFF series” button Many parameters exist, but they cannot be tuned for the moment This is used as a way to experiment for the quantification export
This function should call a function displaying a progress bar, and call a cell object returning an iterator on the number of frames, such as in: or:
Bases: Cell.GtkCell
A generic class to handle polygons as untilted rectangles
Bases: Cell.GtkRect
Bases: Cell.GtkRect