Source code for Loader
# By MW, Jun 2013
# GPLv3+
# This package provides an interface to load movies
# ==== Importations
import imp, logging, glob, sys, cv2, numpy
import load_list_files # Charger tous les modules (mettre ici, faute de mieux).
logging.debug("Modules loaded!")
[docs]class Loader :
def __init__(self) :
self.loaders_list = {'list_files' : load_list_files}
self.img_paths = []
[docs] def load(self, inp, loader_name) :
"""Function that load the video files inside the Loader"""
if self.img_paths != [] :
logging.error("Loader already initialized")
return self.img_paths
if loader_name in self.loaders_list.keys() :
self.img_paths = self.loaders_list[loader_name].Load(inp)
return self.img_paths
else :
logging.error("The requested loader '%s' does not exist", loader_name)
return self.img_paths
[docs] def get_frame_nb(self) :
return len(self.img_paths)
[docs] def get_frame(self, index, rgb=True) :
"""Returns the image with the given index. Note that for the moment,
the image is loaded at maximum depth (i.e. : can be 16bits), and
converted to RGB autoatically. If a 8bits image is needed, consider
the cv2.convertScaleAbs to change bit depth
The rgb parameters indicates if the conversion should be performed."""
if (index < 0) or (index>len(self.img_paths)-1) :
logging.error("The requested frame has an invalid index (%s)", str(index))
else :
##m = cv2.imread(self.img_paths[index]) # VERY experimental
m = cv2.imread(self.img_paths[index], -1) # Loads the image as is
if len(m.shape) < 3 and rgb: # Convert to RGB
m=cv2.cvtColor(m, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
"""m= m/numpy.max(m)*255
#m=cv2.convertScaleAbs(m) # Converts to 8 bits
print (numpy.min(m), numpy.max(m)), m.shape, m.dtype"""
return m
[docs] def get_size(self) :
if len(self.img_paths) > 0 :
im = cv2.imread(self.img_paths[0])
return im.shape
else :
logging.error("No movie has been instanciated in the Loader")
[docs] def get_save_dict(self) :
dic = {}
dic['img_paths'] = {'descr' : 'list of frames of the movie', 'value' : self.img_paths}
return dic
[docs] def load_save_dict(self, dic) :
ip = dic['value']['img_paths']['value']
self.img_paths = ip # The loader should check if the files still exist...