Source code for TimeTrack

# By MW, Jun 2013
# GPLv3+
# Class managing a timetrack, an abstract object handling up timepoints
import logging, cv2, imp, numpy

[docs]class TimeTrack : def __init__(self) : self.times = [] self.pols = []
[docs] def get_bounds(self) : """Returns a tuple containing the first frame and the last frame of the polygon, as defined by the set_begin and the set_end function """ print 'not implemented, please have a look at Cell.get_bounds'
[docs] def set_begin(self, t) : """Set the beginning of the track. It removes all timepoint before the given time""" if len(self.times)==1 : self.times[0] = t while (self.times[0] < t) and (len(self.times)>1) : self.times.pop(0) self.pols.pop(0)
[docs] def set_end(self, t) : """Set the end of the track. It removes all timepoint after the given time""" if len(self.times)==1 : self.times[0] = t while (self.times[-1] > t) and (len(self.times)>1) : self.times.pop(-1) self.pols.pop(-1)
[docs] def add_timepoint(self, time, pol) : """Add a polygon at a given time""" ex = self.get_index(time) # Check if the timepoint exists and get its index if ex[0] : # Edit it self.pols[ex[1]] = pol else :# Create it self.times.insert(ex[1], time) self.pols.insert(ex[1], pol)
[docs] def del_timepoint(self, time) : ex = self.get_index(time) if not ex[0] : logging.error('The timepoint %s cannot be removed because it does not exist.', time) else : self.times.pop(ex[1]) self.pols.pop(ex[1])
[docs] def get_polygon(self, time) : ex = self.get_index(time) if ex[0] : return self.pols[ex[1]] elif self.times != [] : if ex[1] == len(self.times) : return self.pols[-1] elif ex[1] == 0 : return self.pols[0] else : # We have to interpolate the polygon t1 = self.times[ex[1]-1] t2 = self.times[ex[1]] pol1 = self.pols[ex[1]-1] pol2 = self.pols[ex[1]] pol = [] for i in range(len(pol1)) : point = [] for coord in range(len(pol1[0])) : # Iterate over x and y #print pol1[i][coord] #print (pol2[i][coord]-pol1[i][coord]) #print (t2-time)/(t2-float(t1)) point.append(pol1[i][coord]+ (pol2[i][coord]-pol1[i][coord])* (time-t1)/(t2-float(t1)) ) pol.append(tuple(point)) return pol else : logging.error('No timepoint instanciated, cannot interpolate.')
[docs] def add_point(self, time, pos, point) : """Function that add a point in the polygon""" ex = self.get_index(time) if not ex[0] : logging.error("Cannot add a point to a frame that does not exist. Please create it before") else : for i in range(len(self.times)) : t = self.times[i] if t != time : pol = self.pols[i] if pos == 0 : p1 = pol[-1] p2 = pol[0] else : p1 = pol[pos-1] p2 = pol[pos] p = [] for coord in range(len(p1)) : p.append((p2[coord]-p1[coord])*0.5) self.pols[i].insert(pos, p) else : self.pols[i].insert(pos, tuple(point))
[docs] def get_index(self, time) : if time in self.times : return (True, self.times.index(time)) elif self.times == [] : return (False, 0) else : i = 0 while (i<len(self.times)) and (self.times[i] < time) : i+=1 return (False, i)
[docs] def get_center(self, t) : p = self.get_polygon(t) return numpy.array(p).mean(axis=0)
[docs] def move_point(self, selected, coord, t) : coord = numpy.array(coord) pol = numpy.array(self.get_polygon(t)) oldpol = pol.copy() if selected == 'center' : center = numpy.array(self.get_center(t)) # getting point tr = coord-center pol += tr #print "translating cell" elif type(selected) == int : pol[selected] = coord #print "moving a time point" else : return None self.add_timepoint(t, pol) return pol-oldpol
[docs] def translate(self, v, t) : pol = numpy.array(self.get_polygon(t)) self.add_timepoint(t, pol+v)
[docs] def get_save_dict(self) : dic = {} dic['times'] = {'descr' : 'A list conaining the times of the key frames', 'value' : self.times} dic['pols'] = {'descr' : 'A list conaining the polygons for each key frame', 'value' : self.pols} return {'descr' : 'A timetrack object, usually used to save a moving polygon', 'value' : dic}
[docs] def load_save_dict(self, dic) : self.times = dic['value']['times']['value'] self.pols = dic['value']['pols']['value']