
An overview of the !CellTracking project is detailed on this poster: Towards an automated measurement of proteolysis in vivo : ProteolysisMWposter.pdf

CellTracking can perform various analysis. Here are some examples:

Table of Contents

1 Graphical panel

CellTracking_panel.jpg (As in version 0.9x)

2 Multiple cell tracking

Definition and tracking of numerous cells at the same time. multiple_cells_tracking.jpg

3 Export fluorescence quantification of single cells

Export alignments of quantified fluorescence.

All original microscope records are courtesy of the Jonathon Pines' Lab at the Gurdon Institute, Cambridge, UK. norm.jpg

4 Export aligned cell views as a mosaic


Date: 2013-08-14T15:59+0200

Author: Maxime

Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24

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